The teacher today is Brian.

Last lesson of his is very boring, so I was disappointed when I saw him this afternoon.

Nevertheless, the class today is very interesting.

At first of Brian’s class, he always teaches us an English song.

The song today is “Lemon Tree”.

It’s a very cute song with a light melody.

If you heard of it, you must be like very much.

We also discussed lots of subjects, like the death in the hospital, to clone someone for organs, Disney Magic Kingdom and so on.

Do you think it’s ethical to clone someone for the organs?

To start with, I thought that we can just clone an organ that we need.

However, it’s impossible.

The technology today just can clone a whole body, and if you want to take some part from this cloned body, you may become a murderer to kill this body.

So it’s not ethical, right?

But in some backward country, there are some people use a lot of money to buy the organs from the low-economic-social status family.

Is it ethical?

It’s really unfair that the rich people can live longer than the poor people.

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